Understanding of Multiscale Bonding Dynamics and Functional Manifestation of Micro Joints, and Promoting Applied Research
I am engaged in fundamental understanding and applied research of a series of multiscale phenomena, from the behavior of atoms, through the formation of microstructures, to the manifestation of properties in micro joints.
Interfacial Joining
高性能・高信頼な接合部の創出のためには,高精度な入熱プロセスとそれに伴う接合界面の物理現象制御が欠かせません。 このように,接合界面に対する高精度な入熱の制御と,ぬれや拡散などの接合界面に関する諸現象の制御を目指した研究を行っています。
Controlling the heat input process and associated physical phenomena at the bonding interface is essential for the creation of high performance and highly reliable joints. Thus, I am conducting research aimed at controlling the heat input to the bonding interface with high precision and controlling various phenomena related to the bonding interface, such as wetting and diffusion.
Solid-state bonding, diffusion bonding, interfacial processing, laser processing, brazing, wettability
Multiscale Simulation
接合部のマクロな特性は,原子配列で特徴づけられるナノオーダーの構造や,金属組織として現れるマイクロオーダーの構造によって大きく左右されます。 こうした接合界面の微細な構造に起因した諸現象の解明と,それらが接合部のマクロな特性に及ぼす影響を解明するため,シミュレーションを活用した研究を行っています。
The macroscopic joint properties are strongly affected by the nano- and micro-scale structure, characterized by atomic arrangement and microstructure. I am conducting research using multiscale simulation to elucidate various phenomena caused by the nano- and micro-scale structures of the bonding interface and their effects on the macroscopic joint properties.
Molecular dynamics simulation, Finite element method, Structural and thermal simulation, First principle (Density functional theory: DFT) calculation, Multiscale simulation
Micro Joining
エレクトロニクス製品の高機能化,高信頼化,小型化,低コスト化を実現するために重要な技術:マイクロ接合について研究しています。 マイクロ接合では接合する対象が微細であるため,一般的には問題とならないような微小スケールの物理現象の影響が無視できません。 接合界面と微細組織に関する諸現象の解明と,それらの高度な制御を目指しています。 パワー半導体などのエレクトロニクス製品への応用が期待されます。
I am studying micro joining, an important technology for realizing high functionality, high reliability, miniaturization, and cost reduction of electronic products. Because micro joining involves very small scales, the effects of physical phenomena at the micro scale, which are generally not an issue, cannot be ignored. I aim to elucidate various phenomena related to the bonding interface and microstructure, and to control them to a high level. I expect that this research will be applied to electronics products such as power semiconductors.
Nanocomposite and microcomposite materials, Nanoparticles, Sinter bonding, Solder, Microstructure, Intermetallic compound (IMC), Joint strength, Thermal conductivity, Joint reliability, Thermal stress